Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening
Turn Back The Clock
The world's most advanced, non-invasive, skin lifting and tightening rejuvenation treatment for wrinkles, sagging and dull skin.
Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening

This innovative development in aesthetic treatments uses the fourth state of matter ‘Plasma’ to stimulate fibroblast activity hence the name ‘Plasma Fibroblast’. Also known as “Soft Surgery” or “Non-surgical face lift”, this treatment delivers results similar to surgery, with no cutting, bruising, stitches or excessive downtime. Surgical methods are far more expensive and carry a much greater risk of possible complications. The use of anaesthesia, swelling, risk of infection and long recovery periods, are common with surgery. Plasma Fibroblast treatments offer another option which is minimally invasive, low risk and much more affordable than actual surgery.
A device called a Plasma Pen is used and works by utilizing the voltage in the air between its’ tip and the skin, to form a plasma charge. An electrical arc is created and instantly shrinks the targeted skin through a series of tiny spots placed on the skin. The skin around the spots tightens pulling the cells closer together. This tiny superficial thermal trauma causes tissue retraction and tightening giving results that are noticeable immediately. The stimulation of new collagen (neocollagenesis) and elastin is produced over the next 90 days as the tightening and rejuvenation process continues to progress.
Fibroblast works best on areas with loose or wrinkled skin. Generally speaking, the thinner the skin in the treated area, the more effective the treatment results will be which is why the eyelids and under eye areas respond extremely well after just one session.
- Forehead lines
- Crow’s feet
- Lip lines
- Nasolabial folds (smile lines) Marionette lines
- Cheek and Neck lines
Skin Tightening:
- Eyelids to tighten and remove excess upper eyelid skin
- Under eyes for puffiness and excess skin
- Brow lift
- Lifting of the midface to slim Cheeks
- Lifting Jowls, chin and neck to slim and tighten lower face
- Lip flip to lift the lips up to appear fuller
Scars & Stretchmarks:
- Improving acne scars
- Diminishing Stretchmarks
Broken Capillaries/Vascular lesions
Pigmentation/Age Spots
- Belly loose skin reduction
- Tightening loose stomach skin and diminishing stretchmarks after pregnancy
- Skin tag removal

Fibroblast Skin Tightening is an all-natural treatment that brings about permanent results which may be visible for many years. As the ageing process is continuous, the treatment will not stop your natural ageing process, but skin will stay smooth and tight till future natural wrinkle formation or sagging of the skin occurs over the coming years. Average visible results last from 2-4 years and the good news is the Fibroblast treatment can be repeated then.
Cost of Fibroblast skin tightening versus Surgery
When comparing a treatment to the cost of surgery, Fibroblast Treatment is certainly more affordable than cosmetic surgery. One of the most receptive areas to the treatment is upper eyelids. Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty) costs between $3,000 – $4500 accompanied by several weeks of recovery due to cutting, stitching and bruising and possible risks associated with surgery. In comparison, one treatment of Fibroblast skin tightening on the upper lids costs under $600, is safe, effective, non-invasive and has an average healing time of around 7 days.
Cost of Fibroblast Treatment versus Injectable Fillers
Fibroblast also offers a natural, safe and more cost effective alternative to injectable fillers. One syringe of filler for under eye lines could cost between $600 – $800, results are temporary and last around six to twelve months. Possible side effects include bruising, infection and allergic reaction along with more serious complications if the operator accidentally injects filler into the blood vessels. In comparison, one Fibroblast under eye treatment costs around $600 and offers a permanent solution. You will not need another treatment until the natural ageing process occurs which can take years. Therefore, from this point of view Fibroblast is yet again a safer, longer lasting and more cost conscious solution.
Most clients are happy with the results after just one treatment. Results can vary due to the state of the clients’ skin and the desired degree of correction. The simplicity of the procedure and the affordability means clients can opt for a second and sometimes third treatment if desired to achieve a perfect result. Further treatments can be carried out at 8 week intervals.
Plasma Fibroblast is a safe non-invasive procedure when done by a fully qualified technician. As with most cosmetic procedures, patients are likely to experience some minor side effects in the first five to ten days after treatment. The skin may feel hot, like a sunburn for the first 24 hours. Some clients may experience minor redness and swelling for the first 1-3 days especially with eyelid treatments. There will be some tiny brown marks (carbon dots) in the treatment area which will shed naturally on average over the next 5-7 days (slower healers may take up to 10). You can apply the medicated cover after 48 hours and resume your normal skincare and makeup routine once the dots have shed.
Fibroblast skin tightening, when performed correctly, is one of the most effective non-surgical skin treatments available. To guarantee optimal results and safety, the treatment MUST be performed by a fully qualified skin specialist.
- Fibroblast treatments at Envisage Beauty are carried out by Owner and Advanced Skin Specialist Jo McKenzie who brings almost 30 years experience and expertise in the Beauty Industry. Your treatments are performed by an experienced industry professional so you know you are in good hands.
- Specialised ‘results focused’ techniques as practiced by international trainers in Germany and Asia are performed to ensure the treatment is administered to its full capacity. Superior techniques equal superior results.
- We insist on using the #1, highest quality, most advanced device on the market to maximise results. Safer, more effective with less downtime.

Cost of
Fibroblast Treatments
Current Package Offers
Half face – Upper or Lower – $995 (Valued at $1500)
Full Face Lift -$1695 (Valued at $2200)
Eye Area Combo (3 Areas) – $895
Mouth Area Combo (3 Areas) – $895
Individual Treatment Areas
Upper Eyelid Lift – $550
Under Eyes – $450
Crows Feet – $400
Forehead Lines – $450
Full Forehead Rejuvenation & Lines – $650
Full Forehead & Crows Feet – $750
Nose Sculpt & Lift – $400
Nasolabial Folds (smile lines) & Marionettes – $495
Top Lip Lift & Lines – $350
Lip flip Top & Bottom – $495
Jaw Lift- $650
Half Neck Lift- $550
Full Neck Lift – $895
Abdomen Area- From $600
Skin Tags- From $150
Vascular lesions (From $80)
Pigment/Age Spots (From $80

“I had my eyebrows tattooed and it has been fantastic! I feel so much better about my appearance. It is so much easier than worrying about drawing them on each day and making sure they are still ok as the day goes on. They frame your eyes, it finishes off the look of the eyes and face. I don’t even need to wear full make-up now. I can’t believe the difference it has made.
Abbie Rose
Contact Us

Call Now 9876 4432 or Text 0407716686 to book an appointment with Jo at Envisage Beauty.

- Facial acids (Retin A, Salicylic, glycolic) 14 days before and 21 days after
- Tanning (spray tanning, tanning injections) 14 days before and 21 days after
- Microdermabrasion, Peels, Facials – 14 days before and 21 days after
- Botox or fillers 21 days before or after
- Micro needling/PRP 21 days before or after
- Intense Laser or Peel treatments – 90 days before or after
- Eyelash extensions must be removed prior to upper or lower eyelid treatment and can be reapplied after 8 weeks
- Contact lenses must be removed for upper eyelid treatments
- Keep Treatment area dry.
- No cleansing the treated area for 48-72 hours.
- No exercise for 48 hours after treatment.
- Application of aftercare cream and medicated cover may be applied after 48 hours
- Normal skincare and makeup can be resumed once all the dots have shed
- Keep the area protected from sun exposure for a minimum of 8 weeks (At Envisage Beauty we strongly recommend continued use of spf all year round)
- Prone to keloid scars
- Diabetes, healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues
- History of hyperpigmentation
- Pacemaker
- Pregnant or Breastfeeding
- Dark skin tones (risk of hyperpigmentation)
- Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores) – If you have a history of outbreaks you must get a prescription for Valtrex and take it 3 days prior to treatment and continue for 4 days after